Principle Investigator

Matt Covington
Associate Professor
PhD (Physics), University of California, Santa Cruz
BS (Physics), BA (Philosophy), University of Arkansas
Full CV
After completing a PhD in theoretical astrophysics, Covington combined his passion for caves and the outdoors with his fascination for mathematical models of physical processes. Now he studies a wide variety of hydrogeological and geomorphological processes, particularly in caves and karst terrains. (Photo on left by Jason Gulley.)
Student Researchers

Riannon Colton
MS Student (2023-present)
Cave airflow and its control on carbon dioxide and radon dynamics in Carlsbad Caverns.

Eliezer Ugarte
MS Student (2023-present)
Long term water quality and land use changes in NWA karst systems that host the Ozark Cavefish and Benton County Cave Crayfish.

Kayleen Lemen
MS Student (2023-present)
Characterization and interpretation of sediment deposits in a NWA cave system.

Charlotte Boehme
BS Student (2023-present)
Modeling the evolution of cave passage cross-sectional shapes.

Roman Dzikowski
MS Student (2024-present)
Former Group Members

Ryan Strickland
PhD Student (2019-2024)
Surface evolution and melt of debris covered glaciers.

Michael Jones
MS Student (2021-2024)
CO2 dynamics in the carbonate critical zone.

Ethan Oleson
MS Student (2022-2024)
Controls on the development of cave scallops.

Abby Rhodes
Currently - MS Student TU Delft/ETH Zurich/RWTH Aachen
BS Student (2018-2021)
Using heat transport models to estimate karst conduit geometry in field settings (Savoy Experimental Watershed).

Celia Trunz
Currently - Postdoc, Oregon State
PhD Student (2017-2021)
Subglacial hydrology of the Greenland Ice Sheet.
Spencer Wilbur
Currently - Operational Geophysicist, USGS
BS Student (2017-2019)
Abrasion mill experiments on the relative importance of chemical and mechanical processes in eroding limestone.

Brandon Conlon
Currently - Trident Creek Horse Haven
BS Student (2017-2019)
Moulin life cycles on the Greenland Ice Sheet.

Emily Fletcher
Currently - Emily Fletcher Consulting
MS Student (2017-2019)
Morphology of bedrock channels developed in gyspum (Parks Ranch Cave, NM)

Sarah Williams
Currently - PhD Student, Vanderbuilt
BS Student (2015-2018)
Carbon dioxide dynamics within the vadose zone at the Savoy Experimental Watershed.

Max Cooper
Currently - Geoscientist at Lunasonde, Inc.
PhD Student (2014-2018)
MS, Mississippi State University (2014)
BS, SUNY New Paltz
Models of cave cross section evolution. Sediment transport and paragenesis in caves. Glaciated karst terrain of New York.

Alex Breeding
MS Student (2016-2018)
The influence of sandstone caprock on landscape evolution within the Buffalo River area.

Josue Rodriguez
Currently - Lead Geological Technician - EOG Resources
MS Student (2015-2018)
BS, Angelo State University
E Coli. dynamics in Blowing Springs Cave.

Holly Young
Currently - Geologist, ERM
MS Student (2015-2018)
BS, University of Arkansas (2015)
Carbon dioxide dynamics, cave airflow, and karst carbon budgets.

Hannah Gnoza
Currently - Environmental Scientist at VHB
MS - CU Denver 2017-2019
BS Student (2015-2017)
Dissolution experiments in Blowing Springs Cave to examine the relative importance of water chemistry and flow velocity.

Chelsea Whetstine
Currently - Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality
MS Student (2014-2017)
BS, Arkansas Tech
CO2 dynamics in epikarst.

Ginny Holcomb
Currently - GIS Analyst, Jeffco Open Space
MS Student (2014-2016)
BS, University of Arkansas (2014)
Influence of cave ecology and cave airflow patterns on carbon dynamics within a cave stream.

Katarina Kosič
Currently - Virginia Dept of Conservation and Recreation
Visiting PhD Student (2014-2016)
University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia
Karst aquifer management and conservation. Transboundary aquifers. Karst vulnerability mapping.

Evan Thaler
Currently - Los Alamos National Lab
Research technician (2015-2016)
MS, University of Arkansas (2015)
BS, University of Arkansas
Influence of rock solubility on bedrock channel morphology. Development of knickpoints in soluble rocks. Landscape evolution in the Buffalo River basin.

Joe Myre
Currently - NextSilicon
NSF Earth Sciences Postdoc (2013-2015)
PhD, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities (Computer Sci.)
BS, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire
Computational fluid dynamics models of speleogenesis. 3D scanning of cave morphology using low cost technologies. Using arduinos for environmental data logging. website

Matija Perne
Currently - Researcher, Jožef Stefan Institute
Postdoc (2013-2015)
PhD, University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia
BS, University of Ljubljana (Physics)
Models of cave cross-section evolution. Speleogenesis in open channel flow. Bedrock channel morphology and controls on steepness and width. Carrying heavy stuff in caves.

Kiefer Vaughn
Current - Project Geologist, Pollution Management, Inc
MS Student (2012-2015)
BS, University of Arkansas - Little Rock (2012)
Carbon dioxide dynamics in karst springs. Understanding natural variability in limestone dissolution rates.